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personal brand

Bored At Work? Sometimes You Just Can’t Hide It

The YouTube video of the pirouetting guardsman at Buckingham Palace is a perfect example of someone bored in their job. So what should happen?  While the most obvious answer would be to sack them there are other options: 1. Talk AND Listen To Them In my years in HR, it was never the case that people did something without some form of reason.  Finding out what is motivating people to b...
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Are you alone in your Career?

"It's not the plan that is important, it's the planning.” Graeme Edwards Making your way in your career is seldom a solo experience,  It often takes the help of from a mentor, sponsors or a coach.  Who have you selected to guide you through your own career journey?  What do you feel they can help you most with  - networking, acting as a role model, or giving you pointers on the best way to move t...
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3 Questions You Must Answer For A Positive Career Change

Questions, questions questions.  I have three questions for you: What do you want in your career? Why do you want it? Today did you move closer or further away for your aim? Why? Because answering or at least considering these questions will help you pay conscious attention to your career and the actions you can take to move it in your desired direction. Bonus Tip: If you do not have answers to ...
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